Adverse Event Detection

Vigilo® Adverse Event Detection is an AI-driven Social Intelligence application by Scry AI, capable for navigating, parsing and extracting Marketing Risk Intelligence from vast unstructured data spaces of social media and related news platforms using advanced text analysis.

Key Features

  • Domain specific ontologies to yield 90%+ accuracy.
  • Processes audio scripts and converts audio from webcasts, video, and audio snippets to text and analyzes them automatically.
  • Incorporates several hundred signals and features, reduces noise to reduce false positives and produce alerts in real-time.
  • Topic deep dive; not just sentiment analysis.

Use Cases

  • 40+ Scraping Algorithms and Connectors for parsing social data spaces.
  • 90%+ Accuracy with inbuilt domain expertise.
  • Millions of online messages, comments and other engagement events parsed.
  • 80 Different Languages and Geographies.
  • Topical and Sentimental Analysis capabilities.

Vigilo® Adverse Event Detection empowers Business Benefits such as:

  • Real Time Dashboards and Reporting
    • Actionable insight generation on topics of interest backed by subject matter experts.
    • Usage of techniques involving deep learning, natural language processing and knowledge graph algorithms.
  • Audio, Video and Blog Analysis
    • Processes Audio and Video snippets including webcasts.
    • Processes messages, blogs and articles in 80 different languages and geographies.
    • Data source relevance matrix inbuilt.
  • Social Media & Customer Satisfaction
    • Understands the reasons and drivers behind various sentiments through deep analysis of attributes like cost, effectiveness, supply chain issues, accuracy, and services.
    • Creates a 360-degree view by using various social media and other data sources from the Internet.
  • Ready to Use Integration including
    • Ready to use data ingestion connectors and APIs.
    • Pre-built connectors to online platforms and sources for enhancing anomaly detection with external data.
    • 100% customizable graphs and alerts according to client requirement.

Vigilo® Adverse Event Detection serves:

  • Marketing and branding teams and agencies
  • Diversified research team
  • Customer satisfaction teams and firms
  • Strategy and operational consulting firms
  • Merger and acquisition teams and firms
  • Alternative investment firms

Want to talk about your project?
Call us (408)740-8017